Thursday, 25 July 2013

Pain in the Face

Sometimes in our lives, that lightning bolt of pain hit us so hard that we want to halt right there. For some women, it is the pain of menstruation. For others, it is the pain of child birth. One man said, "I hate to see my wive in so much pain". Many men won't dare the labour room for pain."It's known probably to be one of the worst pains known to man." says a neurosurgoen. For some women, it is the juggling of career and family. To another, it is the price of making the ends meet. For one woman, it is the pain of watching quadreplets grow without a father. For many teenagers, it is the price of not waiting. For other women, it is the pain of making that wrong decision. Because of pain, our facial expression changes like a flash, our nerves cannot keep it together, our blood vessesl sits right on top of one another and our heart triggers like a fire.Pain leaves us in awful state of screams. We just want to throw in the tower and plunge into self-pity. It can be so intoxicating, that we often miss the lessons, life is giving us.But is there any gain in pain?

Pain is a great teacher. Pain gets our attention like nothing else can. It reminds us that we are alive. It reminds us that there is an oppourtunity to seize.It reminds you of the fragility of life. It matures us and make us have sympathy for others. It clears the road to inspiration, like a draft of cold crisp air clears your lungs. It teaches you to be grateful for little things. It teaches us patience and deepens the experiences of joy. It teaches us the value of sacrifice. It is a loyal friend, one who will be there even if everyone else went away. It brings the opportunity to triumph over self-pity. Pleasure lulls you to sleep, but pain wakes us up. In the continual awakening of life, pain is the alarm clock. Pain allows us to confront our fear and be brave. Enduring pain builds mastery. Pain connects us to some of the greatest human beings who have ever lived.

Jesus could not have become Christ without the pain of the crucifixion. What pain are you grateful for today? And what pain do you struggle with?


Tips from
31 Reasons To Be Grateful For Your Pain by  ASATAR BAIR

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