Thursday, 30 October 2014

Find courage in what you are going through

Have you ever wondered why you are going through a path in life, far from expectations, and unaligning to the so called “God’s Plan”? Have you begun to wonder lately, if there’s ever anything like “fulfilling purpose?” Do you seem to be anxious about the next day, when God’s word promises bliss and a happy ending? Have you ever considered why prayers are not been answered and why a quest is difficult as a gold mine? Have you lost confidence in yourself and in the element of what you might become?

I have. It's confusing not to be moving ahead. It's puzzling to have so many degrees and skills and still finding it hard to be all I want to be. The feeling is paralyzing!!! I wonder why we go through what we go through. I didn’t get it, when I prayed and prayed and, answers seemed to be farfetched. I nearly passed out with worry over the thought of starting all over. I couldn’t seem to understand why a child dies at 4, but a wicked man refuses to die or change his way. My pondering heart got me thinking but never brought solution. 

Recently, I stumbled on the commentary of Joshua 31: 2.

 “Moses, the once prince charming spent forty years in Midian tending sheep. But, this experience was not wasted, as he learned the geography and climate of the Sinai Peninsula in preparation for leading the Israelites in that area for another forty years. God ensured that Moses was prepared for his great task.”

I realize now that my weary journeys are learning curves. The low points in my life have a useful purpose. Every training and skill is going to make me equipped for a greater good. 

I looked at my CV recently while applying for a job role and realized that God had taken me through diverse situations and positions for a purpose.  Every prior work experience was linked for a greater purpose. Even the minor things and times that I thought were distractions and leading nowhere was going to make a lot of differences. 

What if everything in life was rosy; we would have no time to think; we would deal foolishly; make wrong decisions; offend and think God is dispensable.

My point is find courage in what you are going through as a woman and lean on the absolute truth that God will turn all of it for good. The more broken your vessel is, the more the ACT of God to put you together and mend you again. See yourself as that clay in the potter’s hand. You are not beyond re-moulding. Your past misuse can all turn out to be perfect use for another purpose.

I want to encourage you to rise out of your ashes and live life knowing, it is for a purpose. “The humiliation of being reduced from a prince in Egypt to a servant in Midian also accomplished the divine disciplinary purpose of preparing Moses for his greater role as shepherd of God’s people."

If God could use a murderer and have him a close son, called him friend, then you are not beyond use.

If you read this, could you share with someone. 


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