Thursday, 27 June 2013

In a World obsessed with Beauty

"Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful"...Sophia Loren

It's no secret that as women, we love to know and feel that we are beautiful. With the way the society as painted it, you are either in or out. So we walk our heels, work our butts, burn our face, fry our hair, do everything and anything to get into the box. And when the bars are raised, which we are still yet to measure up to, we pick surgeries and make it more cosmetics and look for more alternatives. We just want to belong.

This belief often lead us astray. Don't get me wrong, I love this quote but you will be missing the point, if you were to limit my point to believing you are beautiful.

It is a common saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." So, if I take a look at you and tell you that you are beautiful, you should believe me. You say, No! It brings one question to mind. Am I believable?
That's subjective. And, I must say the definition of beauty in our worldly system is subjective.

Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true. So if the premise is untrue, the belief is chattered and the anomaly is that the believer becomes 'nothing' or feels deceived.

So give me that room to make you ponder the more. Do you believe your mirror every time when it tells you that you are beautiful? Do you believe you are beautiful when your figures looks like it, your societal magazine says you are, and the last before the last guy reminds you that this is the reason he loved you? What if the society changed the definition of beauty from a figure 8 and gave it to a figure 7? What if you think you are hot and you suddenly realize that the season just ended. They say you are hot like a blonde and then they turned the table to a bronze. I don't intend to take you back and forth, but I want you to realize that you can only draw the definition of beauty from a premise that is true.

The society is unstable in itself, we cannot fault it more than it is. Even mirrors are unreliable. You know the convex and the concave. Self confidence in beauty is even a lie. We are often at the mercy of what our deceptive mind tells us. And although the people around us shower us with compliments daily and sometimes not. We know beyond doubt that they can withdraw their praise. But one premise remains true. It does tell you that you have been created beautiful in and out (Genesis 1:26-31) but you have a choice to belief it or not.

You have a choice to believe the worldly or the godly system. You will pick one either way. The first strips you of your originality and personality and turns you into an object, the other conforms you into what you have been designed to be. The worldly encourages you to be dissatisfied with your creator, makes you self conscious, insecure, helpless and clueless, the other opens you up to everything you taught was missing. You are indeed beautiful, the question is, who do you believe?

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