Tuesday, 21 May 2013
2min instant Noodles
I remember that popular slogan for Noodles—2 minutes instant. We live in a world where everything is instant. Businesses are fashioned with flattery advertisements. “Get a flat belly in 6 minutes”, “1 trick to lose weight”, “Get an instant curly hair in 30 minutes”, “Second chance facial rejuvenation; look younger in 30minutes, “Get rid of spots/pimples overnight”, “Win the lottery: guaranteed”, “you can win a free iPad by doing a free trial”. Shopping malls call for quick pick up: now, pay later. Cars dealers evolve new advertising quotes, fashion lines review deals everyday—twisting discount rates to get your attention. Vouchers, coupons won’t seize. Homes are not any different—quick microwave fix to everything. Machines do it all—we don’t have to break a sweat. Children cartoons promote finding a genie or dark magic art that will turn instant negative to positive. Recent movies tell us we need to get possessed by a spirit to achieve extraordinary things. TV adverts, Magazine, Advice columnist, therapist all offer us quick fix—even if you have to return a dozen times.
We are constantly satisfying our body with temporary relief. These are beautiful lies.
No wonder why lottery winners never build empires. In fact, researchers have found them to be poorer than they were at the time they won one. It’s an unfortunate scenario but even many Christians are in this huge debt—from one contract to the next, from one loan to the next. Use a credit card to clear the others debt.
Satan deceived Eve through this instant messaging system. Gen 3:5 illustrates that the devil said to the woman, “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. “ Eating the fruit was instant banking of all God’s knowledge. How hilarious? It must have been a sense of greed, to want to do better than Adam or God himself and the so called freedom of not rely on God’s support system that prompted Eve this day. But, don’t point the gun at Eve yet. That’s what our society hammers on, what we clamour for. You can list a dozen trap you have fallen into, if you were to be half honest. More freedom, more and more! There are many subtle ways that the devil is driving this messaging system to us now, to our faith, families, and finance.
You want to be the God intended woman, you need to sift the world’s system of getting everything instantly, delay gratification where possible and please God, whether it is in your finance, health or at home. You cannot spend twenty two hours in the office and expect a quick fix with a book. You can have a 100metre relationship with God and expecting him to show at 5mile run. Although, some knowledge might deem necessary but anything that’s against God commandment is only anti-life. I am an ardent believer of cutting time wasters—often called multi-tasking; earn a degree while gaining job experience. I love taking opportunities and deem it good but a quick fix is no ultimately solution to long lasting problem. Listing all this quick fix system would be impossible even if I was to develop a library. However, we can set a reminder to bring us to check of this instant system. The next instant satanic advert that flashes appealing to your thought should be checked against God's word.
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